One of my mates from home did Politics at Abber, and was captain of the fencing team there. Tom Maddox, if you know the name?
So whilst up visiting him, I checked out your bouldering areas, which is a more accurate description of the place
Your 'night life' is .... interesting though, I quite enjoyed it, plenty of Europeans if I rember
Oh & I
did Civil Engineering at B'ham. JCB are my initinals, and it happens to have stuck during my time at Uni.
If your swiming in the Abber Sea, your crazy, mind you, I've only done that whilst drunk. :/ You sure do love your 'Admarals' if I rembere rightly? Some crazy alcoholic concoction which still didn't give me a hangover.
"I'm not mad, I just see things differently"No longer
VP : But still Vaguely Philippino
FYI: Actions speak louder than wombats