At the last committee meeting we spoke about the issue of people dropping out of trips at the last minute, which leaves us unable to fill their space. This results in the club losing money due to the cost of accommodation and fuel being fixed, regardless of how many people go on a trip.
As a result we have decided to introduce a policy on refunds. We appreciate that sometimes dropping out is unavoidable, and will make exceptions. But please think about whether you can commit to a trip before you sign up for it.
If you have any issues or want to suggest any changes then please get in touch!
RefundsWe will continue to give a full refund where;
- You tell us you can't make the trip a full week before it is due to start (i.e. the Friday of the week of sign ups), or,
- We are able to fill your space.
We won't give a refund where;
- You tell us you can't make the trip less than a full week before it is due to start (i.e. after the Friday of the week of sign ups), and we are unable to fill your space.