Want to shag like Shauna Coxsey, Alex Puccio, maltloaf (ha!) Ondra, Leo Houlding, Sensei Chris Sharma, Sensei Chris Parsons, Tom Randall, Lucy Creamer,
Dave McLeod or Mina Leslie-Wujastyk?
Well what do they all have in common?
I think you'll find its these amaaaaazing t-shirts.
Buy one and you'll be (looking if not) climbing like them in no time!
The chap in the middle is a climber called John Ellison, who was diagnosed with terminal cancer 12 months ago. So he started this campaign,
and I think it's a really great way to get an international group of great people to all contribute to this cause.
The t-shirts are £15 and all proceeds go to cancer research charities.