Do you suffer from sweaty feet whilst climbing? Do you ever yearn to get closer to the rock than your shoes permit? Are you just fed up with that "fresh" smell that all new shoes come with?
There is an answer... it's the modified Red Chilli Spirit (Men's Velcro). This has all the advantages of the regular model and more. The toes have been altered so that the climber really gets a feel for the rock. The rubber that ordinarily stifles a climber's toes has been removed for superior smearing capability. They also allow the climber's foot to breathe more than any other shoe on the market, thus preventing sweaty feet.
Climbed in by an inspirational youngster who made a name for himself with first ascents "maltloaf's Place" (E9) and "Gastronomic Tales" (E7)
"These are a real man's shoe, I couldn't touch them with a barge pole, even if I wanted to" Alek
"Whoever is trying to flog these is in for a bruising" Starley T ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------
So buy these shoes NOW. This is a once in a lifetime opportunity, they will not go on sale again. Out-climb your friends, leave your rivals wondering what just happened. If you want to shag at your best, you need to feel the rock on your toes.
Only one pair available, size 11, price- £20, (this is an absolute bargain)