There will be a £1 entry fee as we've had to pay to use the sound system in the room. Sorry!
What: A Royal Banquet/Pot luck Dinner/Mad Hatters Tea Party Whatever you call it, it involves FOOD, SOCIALISING (of course) and FANCY DRESS, what more could you want (except drink, which will be provided with a bar in the room so bring monies)
Wednesday 1st FebruaryAt:
Beorma Bar (upstairs in the Guild)
Dress code:
A Royal Banquet :queen: - so anything you can in some way associate to one be it Kings, Jesters or dressing as a giant Turkey
But what exactly do I need to do?Pair up (if you wish, not compulsory) and use your beautiful climbing hands to create, bake, cook and prepare EITHER a starter, main or dessert dish.
Once you have decided what you will be bringing, please post it on here so that we don't all end up bringing the same.
There will be a prize for the most original/exciting presentation of the food, so get fancy!
When you bring the food, please have some sort of label with it stating what it is, and whether it contains any dairy(milk, butter, yoghurt, cream) or nut products. (If anyone has any other allergies please let one of us know).
Then, just turn up with your food, sit down and enjoy!
Every 15 minutes or so, a bell will ring and you will swap places with someone, so you get to try as many of the different foods and chat to as many different people as possible (nothing like a good bit of forced mingling!)
Hope to see you all there
Big LoveS & L