A place for new and old members to introduce themselves, because it's nice to know who you're talking to:
Name: Nathan
Age: 18
Pre-uni Location: Cheltenham
Course: Environmental Geosciences
Accommodation: QHC
Other society memberships: Buecu
Preferred Sport: Indoor Lead Climbing, though I'd like to get outside more and I'm definitely interested in caving and possibly Mountaineering.
Previous History:
I've climbed indoors for about 2 years now, at the most doing about 3 sessions a week, minimum of a session every 2 weeks, but mainly about a 4 hours session every week for PE at 6th Form.
For those that know many climbing centres I climbed at the Warehouse Centre in Gloucester. At my best I could top rope a 7b just, but now I'm back to 6a's as I haven't climbed much recently
Equipment Owned:
Harness, Boots, Chalk bag, Crab, Belay plate, 70m rope.
Best <insert relevant activity> Moment:
Not sure, completing a tough route I've been working on for a while on one go.
Worst <insert relevant activity> Moment:
When my climbing partner left a knot in the end of my rope and proceeded to pull it through, not realising until it jammed in a quick draw on the lip of a 1.5m roof, 2/3 of the way up a comp wall. I was not happy. Luckily my rope was long enough to safely use the other end of the rope to go rescue his knot, resulting in my climbing the route for a second time.
What do I do apart from climbing?
I'm fairly computer savoy. I do a bit of web design, gaming, digital art and general tweaking. If I'm not at my computer I'm generally hanging out with mates or gf.
What do I drink?
Spirits. Generally straight. I have been known to line my stomach with cider first.
Noticeable features? (for those who wish to recognise me at the climbing centre)
Long curly hair.